Political Swirl...Political Swill
In spite of the model lesson of water down a drain, dominant American politics spins in a dyslexic wrong-turn vortex independent of truth, dependent on a reversal of the planetary whirl to change. Nothing short of alchemy can alter this. Physics is beginning to show that we choose our own reality, and we have chosen this one. May God have mercy on us all... and, like it or not, He is firmly entrenched in this - now more than ever.
Nothing is more mystifying to the losing side of the equation than how this perplexing path found its way under our feet and how we arrived at this peculiar place upon it. This will be the topic underlying all the rancorous bickering and backbiting that guarantees to reach levels inversely proportionate to these depths to which we've sunk.
How many buckets of blood will it take? How many foreclosures, bankruptcies, broken families, homeless children, men gone postal? How much stark reality will it take before the light of truth forces its way into the fogged notions and delusional perspective that dominate the picture our leaders portray?
We have become a land guided by propagandists, charlatans, and dangerously misguided fools. Pumped up by the smoke they send up our shorts. Inflated and full of false bravado, preaching fear and the false promise that salvation lies in hating in superior ways. Pretending to love, all the while. But, hating has never been the long suit of true champions...has it? Certainly not fear? And pretending to love is the coldest chill of all. We know that much...don't we? Somewhere deep within the soul of the people, THIS, surely, has not been lost. If THIS somehow has been squandered, in our heady side trip through this ornate yet vacant new wilderness, we truly do have something to fear. And we are, in fact, lost.